
The process of turning a First Draft into a published novel requires more drafts.

The most prolific and best-selling authors accost their manuscript repeatedly after the first draft. They correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling, find more energetic words and eloquent phrases than those that flowed during Draft #1, and modify dialog that strayed from a character’s voice.

They revise Draft #1 into Draft #2, #3… #n, until satisfied their story is clear, concise, emotionally potent, and engaging.

Then, because these authors have relationships with publishers, their work enters the extensive and expensive meat-grinder of the publisher’s staff.

Without that staff, you’re the meat-grinder.


There are four levels of editing, and while overlap abounds, each brings its own perspective to the manuscript.

  • Developmental editing: Employs an editor with the honed skills to evaluate a manuscript’s structure, content, and sentence style ensuring they are consistent with and effectively tell the story. Characters, dialogue, tone, pacing, and balance are all subject to the developmental editor’s scrutiny.
  • Copyediting: addresses grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, readability, and word usage.
  • Line editing: tightens sentence structure, clarity of language, and word usage (again).
  • Proofreading: that final slow, deliberate read-through searching for typos, verb tense errors, and anything the previous editing may have missed.

Editing with WFC 

The Word Frequency Counter, is a Find & Destroy editing tool to uncover passive, repetitive, soft, uninspiring, and poor word usage, allowing invigoration of narrative and dialog.

The instructions for using WFC are spelled out in detail on its page so that you can do it. However, it is a laborious task you may choose to outsource. We are masters at navigating word frequency issues, and we will go through your manuscript skillfully.

Because changes to words and phrases will be made, it is best that we return the manuscript in MSWord.Doc(x) format with our edits available in Track Changes for your perusal and approval before committing them to file. How to get a free program equivalent to MSWord at bottom of page.

Scientific Editing

Intended for the writer without deep pockets, Scientific Editing is a blend of copy and line editing, proofreading, and a comprehensive review using word frequency. Little time is devoted to developmental editing as your manuscript is written, however, my review will be brutally honest about the quality of the story.

To avoid surprises for either of us, I offer a free evaluation of 500 words from you as a quick snapshot into the writing. A precise quote will be provided from the quality of the writing which will determine the time required for the task.

Cover, Blurb, & Bio

We offer cover design required for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing trade paperback. Trade size is 9″ x 6″.

Because you know the story you want to tell, we ask you to outline a cover blurb of about 100 words. Similarly, we’ll need about a 50 word biography mostly aimed at writing experience or inspiration.

We then wordsmith your information into an effective blurb and bio.


Publishing on Amazon/KDP

Amazon is not the only platform on which to self-publish, but it is the gorilla. Publishing on them exclusively for the first 90 days of your promotion is advantageous.

Amazon charges nothing for publishing on KDP. That’s right, you can do it for free. However, the manuscript and the cover must each be formatted to their rigid metrics and for that there is a fee.

Publishing on Amazon is $150. Contract for 2 or 3 of the above services, and we waive the publishing fee.

Author Website

Domain name (e.g., web hosting, email (, and website/Wordpress design. See Sample Author Website for details.

Service Fees

The fees below are “typical,” however a FREE Evaluation of your manuscript is required before a final quote can be offered.

Candidly, if your manuscript is a train wreck, you’d be well advised to purchase the book to do much of the work yourself, which is the book’s intent. Otherwise, the fees will be higher.

Scientific Editing

Subject to the evaluation, the target is $500 for 80,000-words plus $40 for each additional 10,000 words.

Word Frequency Counter editing only

$300 for 80,000-word manuscript plus $40 for each 10,000 words thereafter.

Cover design, Blurb & Bio editing.

Generally $300, subject to what you have in mind.

Author Website Package

Domain name & web hosting (first year each), email, and 6-page site design: $250. Comment and blog functions are additional.

Free MSWord Alternative

 Open Office offers a suite of programs paralleling Microsoft Office that can be Downloaded for Free*. It is safe and stable and in distribution to hundreds of millions of users.

OpenOfficeWriter is analogous to MSWord and is compatible with MSWord’s Track Changes function that allows editor and author to exchange corrections and comments on a document. OpenOfficeWriter can read and save files in MSWord format.

*Disclaimer in Terms and Conditions applies.